Pre-fight entertainment


Thursday, 3 March 2011

Private Muaythai Boxing Mixed Martial Arts Fitness Training in Singapore.

Always wanted to experience training in a real boxing ring?
No need to travel overseas anymore.
You can do it now in Singapore.
Private lessons by certified trainers.
Full facility, state of the art equipments, full size boxing ring and many more!
Email Albert at to arrange for a complimentary session today!


Anonymous said...

Hi , i liked your post , WMD Fight Gear , thanks

edgar said...

I have a few articles about muay thai gloves and boxing gloves as well as taking care of your gloves.

taking pre-orders for muay thai and mma equipments as well. Equipments are cheaper as compared to retail stores

Located in singapore!


Fight Works Asia Muay Thai training.

Fight Wear Asia 2008 Singapore Lordz of the PAIN Brazilian Jiujit Su tournament.

Fight Works Asia resident boxing coach Arvi hitting the bag.

BJJ Video Library

MMA Video library

MUAY THAI Video library